九零不老心 发布的文章

  1. 必要组件:一台pc安装vscode,auto.js的插件,一个手机安装autojs安卓apk,连通的同一局域网
  2. vsode使用快捷键shift+ctrl+p,执行Autojs:开启服务(Start Server),手机打开autojs——菜单栏——连接电脑——输入pc端ip地址,如果默认能连通,则不需要第三部
  3. 打开vsode的插件目录中的——C:\Users\User.vscode\extensions\aaroncheng.auto-js-vsce-fixed-1.100.0\out\autojs-debug.js,修改文件中一段内容如下面格式:
    /** 获取本地IP */
    getIPAddress() {
        /* var interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces();
        for (var devName in interfaces) {
            var iface = interfaces[devName];
            for (var i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) {
                var alias = iface[i];
                if (alias.family === 'IPv4' && alias.address !== '' && !alias.internal) {
                    return alias.address;
        } */
        return ""
  4. 注意防火墙策略

问题:zabbix 自定义简单监控项 icmppingloss[api.mch.weixin.qq.com,10,1000,56,500] 返回值一直是50%

# If you ping Google by IP, it uses either IPv4 or IPv6, depending on the type of IP that you specify. If you ping Google by DNS, it tries to ping it by both IPv4 and IPv6, and, apparently, one of these families fail (most probably, IPv6). So it is (kind of) expected.

# 设置zabbix_server.conf里的Fping6Location为空
vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


systemctl restart zabbix-server.service

  1. win+r,运行regedit,
  2. 查找第一个文件夹关键字.docx,
  3. .docx目录下——Word.Document.12目录下——shellNew目录下
  4. 新建 字符串值 名称为FileName 值为空 的项
  5. windows桌面右键 新建 选项后就有了 DOCX文档的 选项
  6. 类似方式.pptx下新建、.xlsx下新建